



Finding Money on the Ground

Money falls out of the pocket of a stranger hurrying ahead of you. They don’t notice. In their rush, maybe they brushed past you. Now they’re getting further ahead. No one around you notices either. Do you pocket it? Or do you leave it because it isn’t yours? Here, the action and inaction are morally equivalent, one to a slightly lesser degree. The obvious right answer is to return the money to the stranger. But this is not the point of this post

Physical acts operate on a rudimentary level.
Emotional acts function deeper.
Thoughts run deepest.

Afterall, one acts how they think,
They don’t think how they act.

When a situation presents itself, a seed is created. Performing an action waters that seed into a tree with many branches; each branch a different outcome. Depending on the nature of the action the outcome bears fruit or poison. Thought seeds are much more powerful than Physical act seeds. Afterall, one acts how they think, they don’t think how they act.



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Have a Clear Mind

When one returns the money to the stranger, are they hoping for the stranger in their gratefulness to let them keep a portion of it? Are they expecting some gesture of appreciation for their action? Does one think they should be rewarded? The thought seed has been created, and the responding thought action, will correlate to a subconscious consequence of either fruit or poison. Returning the money with a clear mind, is the one and only option and nothing should be expected in return. Let nature take care of the branches. Fruits will come to you when ripe, poison will not.

Good thoughts, Everything Else Follows.

Life creates seeds for all of us every second of our lives, and our actions or inactions to those seeds shape our future. Next time you’re presented with a thought of someone and your thoughts go to ill-will; there will be no subconscious fruit for you. On the other hand: Good thoughts, and everything follows.

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