


What is Meditation?

The mind is a fickle beast, use this to your advantage.

Meditation is the process of observing one’s mind to connect with the soul. The soul is separate from the mind. The mind is the controller of the senses. One who controls their mind, controls their senses. Therefore, when meditating, one must study their mind. Practice for one minute at a time, then two, and so-on. Close your eyes. Clear all your thoughts. Stay focused on the end goal. Stay present. Your thoughts will wander. That’s okay. Observe where you’re thoughts wander but don’t go chasing them. Successful meditation doesn’t mean seeing or feeling things, it’s mostly a waiting game; boredom. The mind is a fickle beast, use this to your advantage.


Once you’ve meditated according to your set time or till contentment, return to your ordinary duties. The following part is very important.

Meditation should not cause a split within you. Where meditating becomes happy/peaceful & the world becomes angry/chaotic. So we’re changing that by bringing the power of your meditative mind back to your external world. Afterall, we meditate to connect to the higher power within ourselves, so that we may make our life and world a better place.

While returning to your duties, pay attention to:
– The change in your sensitivity within your body.
– The change in your sensitivity with your external senses (sight, smell, touch, etc.)
– Your overall sensitivity to your current environment
– The sensitivity of your thoughts and feelings; how are you doing?



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Listen to Your Thoughts

Who is this slightly newer version of you?

Finally, pay attention to what thoughts your mind first starts to attract. Are they positive, or are they negative? Are they based on the past or future? Is it real life or dreamlike? Something will stand out just a little bit different. Who is this new slightly newer version of you? And what it is revealing to you?

This is one of the first steps towards self-discovery.

What are your experiences with meditation?

Let me know in the comments below!

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