What is Spiritual Progress?
To see things the way they really are, not what we want them to be
Esoterism, or the occult, is a powerful ancient knowledge to understand things beyond our external sensory capabilities or internal wherewithal. A few of the many examples are Astrology, Palmistry, & Tarot. Not everyone can decipher the codes, but a trained, intuitive, psychic individual can untap the secrets of the universe and convey them in a practical manner to reveal the hidden truths of our own very nature.
To relieve oneself from the invisible string of karma and external modes of nature
Yoga is practiced to strengthen the mind-body connection. Specifically, empowering the human antenna, or spine; tuning oneself like a radio dial to receive broadband universal vibrations. Union of postures and breathwork expands this incoming surge of energy, lifeforce, or prana. This practice purifies the body.
Meditation is practiced to still the mind. Become the active observer, direct one’s energy throughout the body and utilize it for a higher purpose. Specifically, enhancing the human supercomputer aka the brain. Without meditation one cannot decipher what their senses are actually telling them. The expansion of energy mentioned above in Yoga will be wasted if the mind isn’t still. This practice purifies the mind.
Tantra is performed to self-discipline. Discipline is necessary to force one’s mind & body into submission. Submission to the soul or the subconscious you. This will hammer away the incessant pull of external senses or maya on our mind/body psyche. Although tantra (western expansion) is commonly synonymous with sex, the key takeaway is it is sex with discipline! Therefore, one must understand Tantra (eastern origin) goes much deeper and at its root, it is meant to help one gain self-mastery. This practice destroys addiction, urges and external trappings.
All 3 practices in unison and with genuine determination will result in a greater detachment from earthly senses or the grip of maya.
Next, the physical & mental body changes.
At this stage one begins to feel a sudden transformation within the physical body. Extreme waves of electricity/heat surging up and down the spine during seemingly random moments. Feelings of two snakes, one on each side of the spine, slithering circularly around the spine upwards & downwards leading to moments of extreme enlightenment or euphoria (upwards) and extreme lows or feeling anchored/stuck (downwards). As these “snakes” or prana or electricity pass each chakra point, it causes that energy center to spin, releasing intense waves of energy or heat throughout that part of the body. The sensation is purely positive, divinely blissful like a full body orgasm. Over time, this movement eventually becomes slower and more refined but with even greater energy. This experience, if misunderstood or uncontrolled, can lead to madness or God complex. If that’s not the case, then this allows for greater awareness and intuition beyond 5 senses.
To go deep within oneself and undo lifetimes of soul trauma and unfold karma
Shadowwork is performed to break down all the invisible walls one has created or put up due to prior trauma or limitations. The greater awareness or intuition realized from Kundalini, naturally resurfaces these inhibitions for one to confront and conquer. If successful, this allows for manifestation of causal body level talents, positivity, expansion at the gross body level. If unsuccessful, this opens the door to depression.
Breaking the Cycle is performed to redirect oneself towards their soul’s true path or dharma. This forces one to confront or reevaluate their current life habits, relationships, circumstances and “right their wrongs”. This results in a major transformation in how one defines themself and how society views them.
To be free, at peace, contentment
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