

punishment is reward

If you don't know when you're being rewarded,
Then you won't know why you're being punished.

Feeling Trapped

Sometimes we feel like we’re trapped on an island. The environment we’re placed in just doesn’t feel right and we’re stuck there. Why do others get away with things that we don’t? Why is the world so unfair to us and nobody else?


The flower in the image above stands all alone, isolated, in the field of weeds wondering where all the other flowers are. But does it realize all the weeds are looking and wishing to be that flower? Uniqueness is punishment; it is also reward.

Punishment VS Reward

Negative thoughts speak, while positive thoughts sleep.



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How is it that punishment on one end can be also be reward on another? Sometimes both are one and the same, sometimes they’re separate. Do we recognize and appreciate the reward when something positive happens to us? Even the subtle moments that come naturally? Like when we leave late for work but manage to make it on time. Nope, as soon as we get to our desk it’s business as usual, right? Or do we only recognize reward when it’s in our face like a promotion? We can easily recall the subtle negatives but we need to be reminded about the subtle positives. Negative thoughts speak, while positive thoughts sleep. We don’t understand why life punishes us, maybe because we also aren’t recognizing when life is rewarding us. Rewards almost never come on time either, we have to be very patient & vigilant to recognize it. If we pay closer attention to the subtleties within our own imperfect perspective: we will start recognizing the good, the bad, and the deeper we go, the harder it is to tell one from the other.

Ouch, did Reading that Feel Good?

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