

stop judging

You don't know their innermost desires,
And the things they must accomplish in this lifetime

Stop Judging People

It’s not always about the money, power or fame. There are some who just want a certain person to be present in their life. Some want/to love. Some want satisfaction/appreciation. Some don’t want to feel lonely. And what they want most, most will never get. Yet, they get handed an abundance of something else we may be wanting, but we never get. See the vicious circle? This creates false judgment in our minds because we only look at others from the projections of our own perspective or worse: the perspective of society.



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Understanding That We Don't Understand

If only we tried to look at others with as little criticism as we look at ourselves and an extra dose of understanding that we don’t understand, then we step closer to the unbiased perspective, the universal reality, and further away from the illusion of what we perceive. We’re all swimming in different streams of resistance and assistance to accomplish what we’re meant to. Even if the current may not be taking us where we want in this present moment, it’s taking us where we need to be in the end. We’re all blessed with something and missing in something else. Don’t hate, appreciate. I hope you get everything you wish for.

What is your blessing?

Let me know in the comments below!

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